Featured Artists

Cancer Can Rock is proud to have worked in studio with this growing list of musicians and songwriters, to help ensure their voices are heard. Not all of them are still with us, but their music is.

Click the videos below to see interviews with our featured artists, or the hyperlinks above the videos to go to their personalized page, which will include the interview, performance video, a way to download their song via iTunes and Amazon, and other biographical information and related links.

If you are a musician fighting aggressive cancer, and would like to apply to become a Featured Artist, click here.

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Rio Scafone


Artie Amici


Mark Brown


Dee Parker

JayPics 1.1.1 Large

Jay Powell

WithLUT 1.1.3

Mark Paul


Jeff Porter


Michael Zampi

MyronLUT 1.1.1

Myron Hanke

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Jim Buckley


Carey Colvin


Bob Miller

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Chris Stein

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David Kitchen

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Kara Davis

John Worrall 1.1.9 e1651254307631

John Worrall

Jim Little Vocal 1.1.3 e1650752570577

James Allan Little

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David Herring

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Rich Marcinek

JimConsole 1

Jim Ebert, Founder


Awil Onuag


Kimberley Dahme

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Mark Bandy

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Rick Crump

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David Marquette

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Jason Beaulieu

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Cinder Ernst

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Christine Baze

Molly 20 scaled e1610174039215

Molly Oldham

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Edward Miskie

Glenn 1.1.1

Glenn Ralph

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Joe Saitta

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Seth Lucash

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Brennan Loveless

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Lexie Pottle

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Tom Prasada-Rao

Andrew Neil SS 07 e1567798915418

Andrew Neil

EE Beyond crop

EE Beyond


Lon Dunn

CCR Les 07120 e1563764524839

Les Hatley


Jack Bond


Theresa Peterson


Stefanie Keys


Jerry Darby


Darren Horner

Cathy Ponton King

Cathy Ponton King


R. L. Remington

Dan Aylestock

Dan Aylestock

randy tabor e1699343869429

Randy Tabor


Mimi Chen

CCR Lena Markley

Lena Markley


Stuart Jewell

mark solo

Mark Telesca


Kathy Stokes

James Bhein

James Biehn

CCR Thierry Sagnier

Thierry Sagnier

Jenny Langer

Jenny Langer

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